Tuesday, April 29, 2014



    I watched the anime of Astroboy. I was quite surprised that an anime (limited animation) made such a long time ago, is so high in quality and well made in animation. Also, I think Astroboy is in various aspects quite different from some anime that are being made today.
    Some anime took advantage of limited animation to a great extent. They move the characters just enough for the story to carry on, but Astroboy isn't always like that. This piece uses a fair amount of gestures and body movements for the lip sync for more sufficient depiction of the emotion of the characters in the story.

The style is of a typical “Osamu Tezuka” style, with big eyes and roundish-looking body-type characters. There is also a lot of shape variation with different characters in the anime.
    Astroboy reminds me of Pinnochio in a lot of ways. Theay are both about a father wanting their creation to become a real boy and a son. Both stories focus on originally lifeless and inanimate objects coming to life, and have souls and human emotions, and were capable of love and compassion.

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